Order your 123ezy website package.
Please note that EzyLearn Pty Ltd is the company that owns and operates EzyLearn and 123ezy websites.
EzyLearn Pty Ltd will appear as the company receiving payment for the services ordered using this website.
Please choose from only one of the Setup options below.
Website Hosting Package
We'll register a domain name for you, setup your Website hosting and provide 12 months of website hosting.
Once it is setup, we'll provide you with a welcome document that contains your username and password for the SiteBuilder, Administration area and instructions on what to do next.
Total cost is $423 (includes GST)
Website Starter Package
We'll setup your website hosting and then provide a full day of consulting to create your website (website design), optimise it for search engines (search engine optimisation), setup your own email address, and access the administration panel to see your website traffic statistics.
You receive instructions on how to make minor changes if you decide that you'd like to.
Total cost is $950 (includes GST)
Online Marketing Package
We'll set up your Google Adwords account, create a campaign, ad group, setup keywords and online marketing budget and create Google text ads.
We'll then check on the statistics and performance of your campaigns each month for 3 months, including impressions and conversions of keywords, success of ads and suitability of landing page.
This package allows you to discover the best keywords/keyphrases for your website, the most effective wording in your ads and landing pages that provide the most desirable outcome.
Total Cost is $849 (includes GST)
Webmasters Course
This is designed for someone who wants to take complete control of the design and marketing of their own website or to provide these services as a business for their own clients.
The webmasters course includes a web hosting package, and then a 6 week course (1 half day per week) on desiging your website, optimising it for search engines, creating your own online marketing campaign and incorporating Web 2.0 style interactive tools to make your website live.
You'll also learn about ways of making your website more sticky, reducing the bounce rate and capturing potential customers details to build an email newsletter database.
Total cost is $1999 (includes GST)