The 123ezy Website package includes:
- Initial setup of your email (have as many email addresses as you want)
- Website and email webserver
- Training about ways of finding images for your website
- E-Learning on how to access & use the Administration side of your website.
- Website Statistics and how to use it
- Free, easy to install scripts for software you can run on your server (like Livehelp, forums, content management software, email newsletter and much more)
Domain Name
This is the name of your website and usually is the same or very similar to your business name. This is a very important first step and we can help you along the way. Simply provide us with some names that you would like to use (your preferences) and we will get it for you.
Email Setup

There are three aspects of your email that are important to know about:
- Firstly you need to decide which email addresses you would like (you can have an unlimited number of email addresses and we'll setup the first 2 of them for you and provide you with a training guide on how to do it yourself in future),
- Secondly you need to decide how you want to receive your emails, via your existing computer based email program (like Outlook or Outlook Express) or via Webmail (which you can access from anywhere in the world) and
- Lastly, you need to know how to set your email up on those programs (Oulook or Outlook Express) and use it.
The great news is that you receive the website computer training you needon how to do each of these tasks. It is all included in the cost so even if you don't use the features straight away, you have access to them when you are ready.
Web Hosting
Every website needs to be hosted somewhere. Your potential clients and existing clients will want to browse through your web site at all times of the day.
Sometimes you may have hundreds of people all looking at various parts of your web site at the same time.
Accessing & using Administrator area
Here is a diagram of the Password protected Administration screen.

An important aspect of the 123ezy website package is your ability to make all changes and updates to your website yourself. BUT a huge benefit is that you have complete power over your administration of the webserver too.
Don't stress though. If you want us to make changes to your webserver we can do it for you, it's just reassuring to know that you can have full control if you want it.
More info about web servers if you want it
A web server is a computer that runs specialised "Server" software to "deliver" your web site to who ever wants to see it. The more specialised your requirements (for example any feedback forms or order forms or some fancy graphics) the more server software needs to be installed to enable these features.
Technically you can Host your web site on your own computer, but the cost of purchasing the software, getting a big enough connection to the Internet and maintaining your own PC with special Web Server software, security etc makes it too expensive and technically impractical for many small businesses.
Website Statistics

Not only is it important to be able to make changes to your website to keep it current, it is also important to keep track of how things are going, how successful your website is and what people are using it for. It becomes even more important when you start to dedicate time and money into marketing your website.
You can see exactly how many people are visiting your website each day and if you website marketing is working.
Website Design

Once your webserver is setup, and your emails are working the next step is normally to create your website. If you are, or know someone who can create websites using programs like FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Flash etc, then you can still have them create your website for you and they can "publish" it to your webserver.
The 123ezy website package includes an online "site builder" that is simple to use. There are also video instructions on how to make changes to all aspects of your website all by yourself.
Some web designers charge up to $150 per hour so the savings here could be in the thousands per year.
With the 123ezy website system you can easily and visually:
- add pages and menus,
- change the layout of what is on each page
- Insert Images and even animations
- edit the text and change the font formatting,
- Insert tables and even
- Insert forms with as many fields as you like.
And remember that if you get stuck, there is someone here to help you when you get stuck.
Getting Images
Deciding which images to use on your website can be a fun and exciting part of building your web site, because you have complete creative control. It can also be a nightmare if you don't know how to edit the images to suit your website or move the images to where you need them.
If you have taken the photos yourself or with the help of a friend then you need to know how to get them from your camera to your computer. Once the images are in your computer, you may need to change the format or file size so that your images (and your website) load quickly when someone visits it.
If you don't have images and want to find some we can show you where to go on your computer and the Internet.
When you sign up for a 123ezy website, you will receive access to training on image editing as well as file management.
Image Editing Software
The skills you learn on how to edit images can be used for much more than simply your website. These skills can be used when you scan images or on all the images you take with your digital camera.
You can take out red eye, crop, resize and change the image format (important for websites), you can also apply any number of effects to make your pictures look really great.
Remember once you have these images, they can also be used in brochures you create using Publishing software or Microsoft Word and ofcourse you can email them to your friends and family (or work collegues).
Learn about domain names
Would you like to learn a little more about what domain names are and how they work? Click here to learn about domain names.