Facebook Advertising for Small Business

The Most Superior Demographic Ad Targeting in History

real estate agent social mediaHaving a Facebook Page is not Facebook Advertising but it is one way to get people to like you and see what you are doing — as well as display your ads when you create them.

Facebook Advertising is very similar to Google Adwords because you can create ads and promote them to potential customers for either a Price Per Click (PPC) or Cost Per Impression (CPI).

A click will get someone to your Facebook page or website and an impression will show your ad to your target audience — good for brand awareness.

While PPC ad campaigns give you a clearly defined result (someone visiting your website) CPI campaigns can be just as effective for business owners who want to gets their brand in front of their preferred audience and builds awareness of your services in your local areas.

All paid advertising campaigns should have a call to action.

Facebook Custom Audience

The first goal for every marketing campaign is to think about what it is that you are trying to sell/promote. Secondly, to whom?

As a small business owner you’ll use social media sites like Facebook to promote either the products you have for sale (or rent) or your services.

Therefore, the next aspect to consider is your audience. From our experience there are two main types of audience:

  • Custom audience
  • Local area

A recommended tactic in engaging potential clients and people who have otherwise never heard of you, is to focus your ads to new and local audiences, such as everyone within 1-2 kms of your suburb.

Another way to find local people is through friends of your existing clientele; to do that you can create a custom audience of your existing clients. Ask us more about this.

Referral Marketing Using Social Media

Existing clients know you and like you so they’re much more likely to like and share the information you promote via a Facebook ad.

Many small business owners neglect their existing or past clients because they believe they know all there is to know about them, but it’s important to stay front of mind.

Your past clients, just like you, lead busy lives so the more often they see your name and what you’re doing, the more likely they’ll mention you to a friend or colleague if that person is looking for the products and services you offer.

How Much to Manage Facebook Advertising?

Like Google Adwords, Facebook advertising can be set to a clearly defined budget and time frame, however you cannot absolutely guarantee how many people will see the ad campaign when you start it.

Digital advertising involves a competitive bidding process that depends on your target market, the amount of exposure you want and over what time frame. You can

  • set a budget,
  • include several images,
  • design the ad copy and
  • set the link for visitors to click

After a relatively short time you can see detailed results and performance analytics and these are often a good place to see if your digital marketing is working and also to see what things you can change to improve performance.

Free, included in a Content Marketing Package

Facebook local market advertising for professional business websites is included in some of our digital marketing packages so you don’t need to pay an upfront fee or a percentage of your ad spend.

Just choose a content marketing package that helps you become a local “digital” expert and we’ll manage your Facebook advertising for you.

See our Content Marketing packages for small businesses.

You control your Social Media Marketing

When you choose 123ezy for your social media marketing you just set your budget and pay for the ads directly with Facebook and we’ll do all the rest.

Not sure what you want right now? Request a Quote and one of our team will get in touch and let you know how we can help.

request-a-quote for real estate agent website, content marketing, social media, digital strategy and listing database building and email broadcasting

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