Keeping informed about the success of your website is critical. Websites, although once thought of as being static brochures for the world to see, are now changing every week. Google constantly measures the value (relevancy) of your website via the search results it provides, so it is now more important than ever to know the number of visitors to your website; bounce rates; time spent on site; number of pages visited and so forth. We will set up your Google analytics account, so you can glean what people are up to at your website, and provide you with detailed reports as to what this means and how to keep targeting further.
Email Broadcast Statistics
Many agents share newsletters and/or videos with their users; the results statistics help them guide their business in the right direction in terms of the services they supply and the information they share. We provide detailed statistics using the Create-Send email newsletter service.
Keyword and Keyphrase Rankings
Maintaining your ranking for selected keywords and phrases is an ongoing task that depends on how often and how well you get your message (and those keywords) on to the internet. As part of our Content Marketing Setup we’ll list all of the keywords that are important to your business, noting that they may change from time to time and keep track of your success with these words and phrases.
Our content marketing professionals have tools to monitor your rankings for selected keywords as often as needed; often daily, and can report back about your progress.
We provide this service as part of our Content Writing and Optimising Tasks.
Gains and Losses in Ranking Analytics
Not only will we provide you with keyword rankings but can report on your overall keyword progress during your campaign. You may be the winner for all of your chosen keywords, and you can see your overall progress and use our analytics information to measure your success as well as make decisions for your future strategy.
Keyword marketing is organic. It takes time for:
- Google to discover and index your content
- people to read your content and navigate your website
- people who like your website to participate in your marketing
- people to share it with their friends or colleagues.
Read more about the Content Marketing Tasks we perform.
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